
"It is not an easy thing to do in the midst of today’s problems complexities in the world today. It is difficult to maintain that inflexible opinion, maintain this inflexible independence, but we will maintain it. This Revolution was not imported from anywhere. It is a genuine product of this country. Nobody told us how we must do it, and we have carried it out. (APPLAUSE) And nobody will have to tell us how we must continue to carry it out, and we will continue to carry it out. We have learned to write history and we will continue to write it. Let no one doubt it".

References to the original: Speech delivered by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz during the presentation of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party, at the “Chaplin” theater October 3, 1965

"The Party is our fundamental instrument, par excellence, of the Revolution and of the construction of socialism. It is an historic and extraordinarily difficult task because socialism had to be constructed under the conditions that our country has had to face."


References to the original: Speech delivered at the Special Session of the National Assembly of the People’s Power, February 20, 1990

"The United States only has the support of fragments of parties in Venezuela, united out of their fear of the revolution and out of material greed. This time they could not resort to a coup d’êtat in Venezuela as they did with Allende in Chile and in other counties in Our America. The armed forces of this fraternal country both promote and are a part of the Revolution".


References to the original: Reflections WHAT THEY WANT IS VENEZUELA’S OIL, September 27, 2010